Meet Planet Doughnut's Taste Tester

After receiving 462 brilliant applications, we have officially recruited Planet Doughnut’s brand-new taste tester. Please welcome Annabelle!
Her hilarious application included the gems: "I considered submitting my latest bank statement as proof of just how much I love doughnuts, but I thought a safer approach might be writing this letter!" and "Others may falter after one or two doughnuts. I, however, can push through a baker’s dozen with impressive stamina. My motto: “There’s always room for another doughnut.”.
And her final audition video where she tried (and hilariously failed) to get a doughnut from her forehead into her mouth. Her dedication to the world of doughnuts means she will provide quality feedback and help us make delicious improvements to our doughnuts!
Want to find out more about Annabelle? Read on:
For our readers and followers to know a bit more about you – tell us a little bit about yourself.
I’m a baking enthusiast who loves food! I’m so excited to explore the world of doughnuts.
Describe yourself in 3 words.
Smiley, energetic and spontaneous.
What happened when you found out you had been selected as Planet Doughnut’s doughnut taste tester?
I kept re-reading the email to make sure I was right; I was in disbelief. People would die to be a doughnut taste tester. I have the dream job!
What’s your doughnut ranking system when tasting a doughnut? Do you go by look, smell, texture or flavour?
I go by look first, then flavour, then texture. The salted Biscoff doughnut is my favourite looking one, I want to eat it now!
What do you think makes the perfect doughnut?
Soft dough is a must. And there has to be the perfect filling to dough ratio. There's nothing worse than biting into a jam doughnut and there's no jam.
If you were to design a doughnut, what toppings and flavours would be included?
I think a praline or pistachio cream would be so tasty. A lilac-coloured icing because that's my favourite colour, and maybe a white chocolate drizzle. My mouth is watering thinking about it!
In your idea of doughnut heaven, would doughnuts grow on trees like apples or underground like potatoes?
Definitely on trees. I’d be picking and eating them all day.
How seriously are you going to take your role as Planet Doughnut’s taste tester?
Very seriously. I am passionate about doughnuts and I can’t wait to try each one, I will give my honest feedback!
If you were a doughnut, which type of doughnut would you be and why?
I think I’d be a filled doughnut, something fruity like strawberry jam or raspberry compote. It would have lilac icing of course, and some edible glitter with little flowers on.
If you were stranded on a desert island but you were allowed to take 1 film, 1 album and 1 doughnut, what would they be?
My film would be Grown Ups; I can’t count how many times I’ve watched it.
For album I’d probably say Tame Impala’s ‘Currents’. It’s very chilled out and I never get bored of it.
Your Oreo doughnut would be good company on a desert island.
If you were to throw a doughnut picnic and you can invite 3 celebrities, dead or alive, who would you invite?
Michelle Obama, David Attenborough and Beyonce (the queen).
Do you agree that ‘diamonds are a girl's best friend’s is in fact a misquote for the lesser-known phrase ‘doughnuts are a girl's best friend’?
Definitely, that can be my motto as Planet Doughnut taste tester.